10 Steps for Opening up your Online Training Academy - MindScroll Blog Cover Image

10 Steps for Opening up your Online Training Academy

Published 5 years ago by Pallavi

Knowledge has been taking a special space in all of our life. Whole of the economy has been taking a shift towards Digitization rather than only depending upon traditional resources.

Historical boundaries of every business irrespective of service or product provider got blurred in the storm of internet, either directly or indirectly. For instance, the traditional offline travel agents got themselves under the shade of internet and started providing online services, even the vegetable vendor shifted towards online business model.

“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers

It would be best if you could take the opportunity and become an early technology adopter in your space.

Today’s knowledge providers such as Educators, teachers, vocation specialists, legal counselors, space specialists, influencers, area experts, investment advisory, ….. and many more have been migrating their insights into one client at one place with limited time and earning their living.

However, if we look deeper into the event, we would probably be realizing that this is the result of their most productive time, that is limited to 24 hours a day and with approximately 40 years of active life.

Every business requirement today could be bought on internet and can be customized, standardized, and structured at an affordable cost.

Think of Theater, an art form, enjoyed in person, where the actors perform live and individuals appreciate it by being physically present. However what got changed today is the availability of all these programs with you, at your call. We may not be alive during the era of Elvis but his movies and music could entertain us even today at any time.

With technology at your service capture your knowledge in a digital format and deploy the same across the world.

You need not to have a high-end studio and camera to get yourself recorded, neither do you need to buy and maintain expensive servers to ensure that the content is digitally deployed well.

These simple 10 steps could enhance your earning potential in no time.

1. Gather Content in Digital Form:

Before updating and sharing any content, create it for yourself in records which could be in PDF, video, blogs, web links, question paper, etc formats and map them mentally based on your training objectives.

2. Subscribe to MindScroll as the Seller:

Visit www.mindscroll.com and subscribe to a user plan based on your business targets. Get lined up with the best configurations of the system by taking the benefits of cloud-native, mobile-ready learning and assessment platform alongside naming it as your brand(white labeling) and liking, and selling courses in the blink of an eye.

3. Buy a Domain Name (optional)

Make your online shop a personality representing your business. It’s like have a site with www.yourname.com. In the event if it goes off your league you may choose to run the business on MindScroll domain, it would read like www.yourname.mindscroll.com. Publicize your URL and generate audience on your platform.

4. Upload Content on the Platform

Once the content is prepared in particular arrangement, upload them on the platform, under their respective predetermined sections and further use them in various permutation and combinations as separate assets based on user requirement.

5. Get a Payment Gateway

An important aspect of the business is the exchange of product and services at a cost. You can have your own gateway and get it integrated to your system by Mindscroll team or you may even utilize MindScroll installment portal and get installments passed on to you in normal time and cost.

6. Share link Personally or on Social Media

This is the time you have been waiting for, share the link of your knowledge base with public, sitting at any place at any time. Publish your content on your various profiles and get the gathering of people on your platform easily, in just one share.

7. Engage with Users on the Platform

Mindscroll allows users to consume the training and assessments online at their own convenience, their device, their time from their own location. Your content starts benefiting people who could never get an opportunity to meet you in person. A simple step takes you to cater to the whole world.

8. View Analytics

Analytics module of Mindscroll gives you a simple and clear perspective of the performance of your learning platform, which makes it facile to grow and reach the maximum heights.You can easily analyze the audience you get, the ROI you make, efficiency and effectiveness you built and receive.

9. Use Google analytics to Track Users along with AdWords to Promote Your Page

Track and advertise your online shop using the facility of integration with two powerful tools of today’s market.

10. Sit back and Let your Content Earn for You

Post to performing these simple process all you need to do is to keep an eye on your execution and track the user activities. Refresh and build your content, increase user base and earn with every course.

Technology helps in automation and is shrinking the world. Riding on the ease of technology can take your professional life to the next orbit, where, you as a knowledge provider can touch and transform many more lives.

Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try.

LMS, Learning Management System, Online Assessments, Online Training Academy, White Labelling, Online Business, Create Online Courses, Online School, SEO, Google Adwords, Google Aanalytics, Content Marketing

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