Social Learning Platform - MindScroll LMS - MindScroll Blog Cover Image

Social Learning Platform - MindScroll LMS

Published 5 years ago by Nitika Duggal

Why is there a need for Social Learning?

People today are no more restricted with their family and neighbors. Addiction to social sharing and exposing themselves on different media channels has expanded the pool of relationship with the world. Usage of different social channels for each of their activities and showcasing every achievement and thoughts on the topic does make people recognized between their connections.

From just broadcasting the modules and managing assessments across geography irrespective of each user experience and preferences, to learning, observing, experiencing, and sharing thoughts and expert knowledge individually in an informal setting. LMS industry has rotated the wheel of training. People today tend to learn more in informal gatherings where sharing, networking, collaborating and exchanging gets smooth and without any formal wall. Recalling the 70:20:10 rule of training industry, where 70% of learning happens with experience, 20% through informal interaction while only 10% with formal educational sessions.

Reinforced learning does play a role while teaching, however many at times the intent to standardize delivery gets diminished. Today’s digital freak workforce possesses low retention and high distraction capabilities, where only formal learning becomes subtle. Thus, adopting the benefits of social learning in your organization and allowing learners to discover spontaneous answers brings the environment of interactivity and engagement between employees in premise.

Organization Focus

Having an effective training program does calls for organizations to implement right system, and method for dispersing their training sessions. Giving your learners the experience of using social media while taking session where putting up questions and answering them is as easy as updating a status and expecting comments from connections. Also, make sure your platform supports and run on all major devices may it be a tablet, mobile phone, or a PC.

Having a cup of coffee in an informal set-up had always worked.

What Benefit does Social Learning cause in your Reinforced Learning Setup?

Your LMS tends to be a centralized library for all your organizational information and activities. Accommodating the platform with present digital learner’s requirement and allowing them to learn and collaborate with the entire workforce in an informal manner adds to increased engagement and association with the platform.

Feature such as discussion forum with standard communication features where your learners could create topics, receive notifications, upload file, like, share, express (even using trendy emoticons), fetch summary on each of their activity.

Alongside get the experience of using social media platform, earn recognition and spread their knowledge for developing and helping the connections does call for a high valued learning management system. Your existing employees are the best people to create fresh content on daily scenarios being faced by them. Thus, creating a separate pool of knowledge repositories from these personnel does call for a well-designed , handy system in order to avoid any further cases of client dis-satisfaction.

People learn maximum by observing, interacting, sharing organically.

Having an in-built discussion area on your LMS where learners could interact by posting their questions and doubts and discuss with the peers and expertise, post taking their course and assessments does makes the system a social place. Social learning is the new-norm of present E-learning industry, being followed by extensive organizations for leveraging efficient learning experience for users.


Providing learners, the freedom to interact, showcase, share, and learn at a single place, with all learning repositories in their hands, fostering a learning community at premise. Introducing interactivity on your LMS through social learning, where there are less designed, planned, scheduled, or assigned course barely with monotonous and one-way communication system. MindScroll allows admin to open discussion forum for learners and make them participate in open discussions, putting their views forward on topic either through a source or personal knowledge.

Enjoy Free Trial instance anytime and open your in-house Discussion Forum in just few clicks.


LMS, Learning Management System, Cloud LMS, Discussion Forum, Gamification, LMS Benefits, Social Learning

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