Test Paper Generator Software in LMS - MindScroll Blog Cover Image

Test Paper Generator Software in LMS

Published 5 years ago by Pallavi

We have all gone through days were designing each assessment and grading them individually with feedback was a time-consuming process. The difficulty of organizing, managing and standardizing assessments either for your training academy or for organization’s workforce across geography, and proctoring each individual throughout the session was a cost adding task.

In the current arena of technology, rule-based test paper generator benefits the training industry with substantial ways to play with the questions and generate in-depth analysis around them. The growing digital age generation moving towards technologically supported systems for each of their requirements does prefer going for everything which could be accessed on the internet.

Online Test paper generator is a web-based product which allows to access software 24x7 from anywhere and deploy your content even at remote locations. It permits you to influence multiple users across geography. You can develop a test from your central head office & appear from any location thus, helping in the management of multi branches. Test Paper Generator is one such product for training and education sector from experts of MindScroll- LMS which enables easy, random, few clicks assessment solutions. The platform allows you to create question bank for various programs, chapters, skills, products and stores your data in an organized way. Fetching in-depth information about each question and answers even to an extent where you can easily drill down towards the relevance of your content and its placement in course.

E-learning industry had grown vast in last few years enabling trainers to take online proctored assessments along with creating a randomized set of assessment for each user thus, diminishing efforts on manual work. Nevertheless, it depends on the rational decision to whether choose a system that consumes extensive data and bandwidth from user side or avoids the cost and just adopt a new-aged designed assessment system.

How does MindScroll Test paper generator assist?

1. Save time and reduce the workload:

  • Start with bulk uploading your questions via excel or create manually designed paper in various supportive formats like MCQ, MMCQ, True/False, Free text, File upload. Save time on creating and uploading unique sets of assignment every moment and proctoring it for long hours.
  • Bound your assessment with maximum time for completion and the no of attempts. Set negative marking on each paper and question respectively and retrieve automated results from the system.

2. Rule-based refinement:

  • Easily recall and differentiate on the type of paper created for a particular user or group.
  • Define uniqueness of paper by setting rule on pulling the type of question from your bank.

3. Indexing question:

  • Moving in the reverse direction and indexing questions based on the level of learner’s performance.
  • Depending upon the questions and the accuracy of answers decides the difficulty level of paper. Assign specific course to the learner and establish rules for his assessment to obtain results as per the pre-decided goal.

4. Quantity and quality of sets:

  • Reducing plagiarism by randomizing the questions as well as the options for each user and creating unique sets of paper on every attempt. Most beneficial when your assessments are not limited by the number of attempts for clearing certifications.
  • Once uploaded your question bank on the system, create as many combinations as possible from those, based on the rules defined via each tag.

5. Instant Grading and feedback:

  • Retrieve each learner’s comparative position as soon as the paper gets submitted.
  • Support them with answers after each question or at the end of the paper depending upon the criteria set by the admin. 

6. In-depth analysis:

  • Coming back to the point we started, analyzing over each learner’s performance and the content being served to them at deepest point makes an assessment engine worth adopting.
  • Fetch a report on each question and answer being marked by a majority of learners and see the authenticity of the specific option.

Pull detailed question wise reports and analyse the results to such extend that deciding on the sequence of options based on the accuracy level becomes a few click jobs. (pick a tag and fetch the specific report on system.).

7. Integrations:

  • Association of data from one system to another does make analysis worth pulling. Integrate your assessments and certification engine with organizational ERP in order to understand which content prompts your results.
  • Analyse your organization wide numbers referring to the kind of training content served to learners and understand how beneficial it is on generating your revenue at the end.

It’s not yet over, what added advantage you can have with the integration of software and your sales force system or HRMS? Tracking the performance figures and finding the gap (if any) in courses and assessments being taken by the learner. Analysing your content or delivery and improving on training function capabilities.

How easy is it to use?

Just upload your tag wise questions either through available excel file in one go or formulate them one by one, and create papers based on the customized rule. Allocate your paper to a particular course and let the system perform. What all can be done is designing each unique set of questions with just simple clicks and playing with every possibility available. Analyzing your content in the easiest way possible. Pull out deep detailed reports on each question and option, based on aspects such as accuracy, maximum attempts, tags, rules, basis the specific demands of the organization.

Try the Free Trial of all new Test Paper Generator and experience the smoothness of software.

LMS, Learning Management System, Cloud LMS, Assessment Engine, Online Assessments, Online Quiz Maker, Test Paper Generator

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