Top 5 Characteristics of a Good Learning Management System - MindScroll Blog Cover Image

Top 5 Characteristics of a Good Learning Management System

Published 5 years ago by Nitika Duggal

An LMS or Learning Management System is a software which assists the users with e-learning programs by hosting, managing, organising and evaluating the web-based courses for the learners. Like the spine of e-learning system, LMS provides a support framework to the learning process.

While the characteristics of a learning management system depend to a great extent on the requirement of an organization. However, there are certain essential characteristics that every LMS must possess. Let’s have a look at the top 5 characteristics of a good LMS.

1.   User-friendly Interface

Maximum benefits of an LMS can only be obtained if the users completely understand the system. Hence, it must be easy to use. An LMS with user-friendly interface enables the users to easily understand its features and utilize them optimally. This is specifically useful for beginners as it reduces the on-boarding time and users can learn to use the system faster.

2.   Customisation Flexibility

There is no one-size-fits-all formula when it comes to learning management system. As stated above, requirements of every business vary; thus, they require different features that facilitate their operations. A good LMS must offer customisation options to the users so that it can be tweaked for their convenience without relying on external help. It saves time and makes the system more effective for the organization.

3.   Regular Updates

As the learning industry is changing, it is now important for an organization’s LMS to evolve with it. It is essential that the LMS provides regular updates, new functionality and modification of existing features accommodating the latest changes in the learning industry.

4.   Budget Friendly

It is important to ensure that the LMS falls in your organization’s budget bracket. It must offer complete value for money. A cloud-hosted lms offers active user based subscription plans which are easy to scale up or down and also usually offers a Free Trial period. This enables organizations to test the system before the purchase. Organizations can also start with as low as 20-25 users and scale up as per their business need.

5.   Integrated Learning

Lastly, the LMS must support integrated learning. In the modern world, organizations use various training methodology to train their employees like classroom training, blended learning and mobile learning. The learning management system should be able to support a gamut of training programs so that users can access them as per their need. It should also be integration friendly with existing business applications to be able to provide a centralised and automated learning experience.

Final Words

If you are looking for an LMS with all the essential characteristics discussed above and more, MindScroll is your ultimate option. MindScroll LMS is easy to use and manage and can be setup in minutes without any hassle or stress of implementation.

Still not convinced? Take our 15-day free trial and experience the process yourself.

LMS, Learning Management System, Cloud LMS, LMS Evaluation, LMS Implementation, LMS Benefits, LMS Characteristics

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