Benefits of a Cloud-based Learning Management System - MindScroll Blog Cover Image

Benefits of a Cloud-based Learning Management System

Published 5 years ago by Pallavi

The usage of Cloud has drastically got increased in past few years. From Google’s drive to Apple’s I-cloud, storing data on internet server has become the trend. With the evolution in technology the world of cloud hosted platforms has been diversifying.

In current scenario of technology sensitive market, cloud-native SaaS based platforms with user-friendly configurations, has successfully skipped the need of having IT-skills for operating a software. Trainers could now have their content ready with them in various files format and upload anytime on system, besides smoothly starting with training and selling of courses, without worrying about the codes to be applied or technical team to be built.

Brief about Cloud-based Platform

A cloud-based LMS is a web-based platform, helping organizations to train their employees of each department and position online, without travelling or being dependent on the technical workforce for any assistance. Major benefit associated with such platform, is its capability to store every information on each learner and courses over the platform safely, these systems demands no installation cost and can easily be adopted due to the architecture based on software rather than on hardware. Trainers could easily white-label the platform, give their colour, identity, upload content and pass to their learners, without spending a penny on its maintenance and updation.

Admin can effortlessly login on the portal and access it through provider’s site .

One of the most beneficial advantage associated with cloud-based platform is its cost-per-usage phenomenon. Where, you just had to pay in accordance to your subscription model, and can scale-up anytime whenever the requirement is felt. A SaaS based pricing is thus, typically a usage-based model, where the organizations has to pay in accordance to usage rate, and for modules subscribed by the particular identity.

Major benefits of having a Cloud-based platform at your premises are

Reduced IT dependency

Today, cloud-based learning management system, are being provided by vendors, were you no more remain dependent on your in-house IT department for any kind of support. Major providers such as MindScroll, themselves takes every onus to maintain and upgrade the software smoothly, without leaving any difficulty on admin side. There are automatic updates which comes and gets diluted with the system smoothly, without disturbing user even at once.

Cost Effective

Rather having full IT specialist team at premise, getting hardware and software for building a learning solution at your server, you can easily have cloud-based learning platform. The advantage behind purchasing would be huge cost saving, here you just pay the cost of what you purchase along with saving on all your logistics involved during classroom training sessions.

Enhanced Data Security

Cloud-based LMS are designed with utmost care, where security of user’s data becomes top priority. Keeping all data off-site, secure and with back-ups is one top notch before customizing a platform for the users. We at MindScroll completely, understand the market scenario and therefore remains very focused about the safety and security of our client’s data base. Also integrating the platform with secured payment gateway is not an issue when it comes to selling your content via internet.

Improved Accessibility

No matter where you have been at your even and odd times, either at home, travelling for office, sitting at your desk or with a client, a cloud-based platform remains all time with you. Learners has the freedom to access their content anytime, from anywhere as per their convenience. A cloud-based solution is best for globally diversified organizations, where each of the employee could access the material from their location using the centralized pool of information.

Faster Deployment

Using a cloud-based platform at your enterprise would give you the relief of providing training within hours. It is always possible to purchase your system today and deploy content, immediately assigning it to users in no time. It would just take a few hours to easily design, manage, update, integrate, and configure the system as per your requirements.

You can always go a free trail set-up, provided by all major players today, for taking hands-on-experience over it.

Fully Customizable and Scalable

A Learning Management Platform gives you the flexibility for making and designing the whole platform as per your organizational needs. No matter whether you are a small or medium enterprise, you can always configure your logo, theme, domain, templates, fonts as per your organizational vision. Additionally, hiring or enrolling more people into the platform would never remain a constraint rather would help in reducing average cost of platform. With MindScroll it is never a problem to scale-up the platform for end number of users besides customizing it with the specific demands of enterprises.

You can integrate your HRMS with a learning platform and allow learner to sign up with same login id skipping all major work involved in creating login for each of the employee. Admin can either upload their users directly or collaborate with other ERP solutions at premise and allow user to access from any device in accordance to availability. Also, it never remains a head ache of admin to worry about the maintenance and upgradation of platform, as everything is taken care by the provider themselves. They have their support team, who always has a solution for your problem, whose all cost is included in the subscription fee itself.

Using a system would not only benefit you in respective direction, rather would also save your cost and time, making whole experience hassle free and streamlining the courses easily. Today’s intelligent software are designed in such a way, that they are responsive to all screen sizes and in addition are available on mobile applications as well.

If you would like to go for a trial and understand the benefits a cloud-native, Learning Management System provides, you can always visit MindScroll and take the test drive.

LMS, Learning Management System, Cloud LMS, Learning Technologies, Corporate Learning Strategy, Corporate LMS, Learner Engagement, Employee Engagement, LMS Evaluation, LMS Benefits, LMS Characteristics

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