Tips for Selecting a Suitable E-learning Partner for your Organization - MindScroll Blog Cover Image

Tips for Selecting a Suitable E-learning Partner for your Organization

Published 5 years ago by Pallavi

There is no denying on the importance of training in organization irrespective of its size and industry. In order to make training experience desirable and increase learner’s engagement, mavens have started focusing on user-experience.

With everything shifting towards digitization, Learning Management System has become the backbone of “The knowledge imparting” industry, facilitating each aspect, from course creation to its delivery and then evaluation, steam-lining everything as per user requirement. However, with hundreds of LMS providers in market today, choosing the right partner for your need could be taxing. You need to be careful while evaluating and matching the platform’s capabilities with your organizational vision and employee enablement plan.

As no single size fits all, the right LMS for your needs might not be among the top list, being used by industry. Therefore, selecting a Learning platform for your organizations becomes a critical task.

Here are few pointers to be taken into consideration while incorporating E-learning in your organization. The process starts from understanding the training need of the organization in a 2–3 years horizon along with existing evaluation process.

Like any other choice, if the need is to transport 2 people from point A to B, its futile to look at specifications of a large bus, similarly, having clarity on your needs, will help to create a checklist for comparison and hence make the appropriate choice.

1. Quick Set-up and Free Trail

Going with a system which is easy to put-up and use, could save time and help in starting almost immediately. Before finalizing any deal, choose to go with the free trials of shortlisted LMS for comparison. Check if the features they provide are in line with your organizational requirements and capabilities. Get clarity on the scalability and usability of platform, keeping in mind the technical skills of your audience.

2. Flexible Content Repository

Your training content also influences your LMS buying decision. Course deployment does not end with uploading your existing content into the system, rather it would also include possibility of future deploying content in different formats and making efficient use of existing resources. Hence it is important to make sure that the LMS you decide to buy supports all your existing content, in latest version along with capability to allow those formats that you would like to use in the near future.

3. Adaptability and Maintenance

Before deciding on any LMS, consider both the short term and long-term technology impact on the platform. Age old technologies most of the times becomes more of hinder than convenience, proprietary technology may prove challenging to maintain. Opting for cloud based LMS helps you to avoid getting locked with one technology, in easy subscription. This arrangement is beneficial because, as a user, you don’t have to worry about maintenance of the platform, up gradation of technology and the hardware needed to run it. All you focus on, is the use and availability of the system, leaving all other worries on the platform provider.

4. Data Tracking Capabilities

No matter how capable a Learning Management System is, it has to have robust analytics capabilities, for providing effective system insights without affecting the user experience. Tracking user activity at each point, such as how often does the user login? What are they accessing? From which device are they accessing the platform? How are they performing? What all courses are effective? Which contents seem to be difficult to assimilate? What are the areas which need attention? and many more… to understand the learning gap and then fine-tune the content accordingly to have better results.

“What’s gets measured, gets managed.”-Peter Drucker

5. Integrating with Current Website

Why to have a separate address for the system that meets your learning and training needs? Today’s Learning Management Systems has the capability to integrate with company’s website (Domain name), through their white-labeling feature, where your training instance can be configured as per company’s branding specifications, color, theme, logo, even the URL.

6. Support Services Offered with LMS

An important and often overlooked element when buying a LMS, is the level of support services provided by LMS provider. Remember, technology can have its glitches from time to time, with new features, upgradation, changes in the operating system, hence you will be needing some kind of support at some point. Therefore, checking, on the service SLAs and support formats that the provider offers to their customers becomes a binding function.

Making the choice of the right LMS has a long-term effect and hence requires a wise comparison and evaluation. You need to assess both learner and admin UI, UX capabilities also considering few features you would probably be needing in near future.

MindScroll a New age learning platform, with user-friendly UI, and cloud native technology, allows to deliver content in no hassle. It’s scalable, white-labeling features makes it easy for organizations to move with the requirement in run-time. It has never been a worry for organizations to carry their training using Mindscroll’s compatibility for flexible repositories, along with other features, such as easy porting, great analytics, and customer support.

Mindscroll, is a one-stop shop for all your training and learning requirements with multiple plans, fitting into your budgets and future needs.

LMS, Learning Management System, Cloud LMS, Learning Technologies, Corporate Learning Strategy, Corporate LMS, Elearning, LMS Evaluation, LMS Benefits, Elearning videos

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