Top Six Reasons Why Organizations with more than 200 Employees go with E-learning System - MindScroll Blog Cover Image

Top Six Reasons Why Organizations with more than 200 Employees go with E-learning System

Published 5 years ago by Deepankar Roy

Successful are organizations whose prime motive of being advanced and efficient is met in line to market requirements. Managing organization wide training using an E-learning Platform has been going in trend. Large organizations concerned about their employee development along with organizational productivity do finds a Learning Management System must for conducting training.

Training has become an expensive activity, for large organization, provided the higher benefits when managed carefully. Conducting and managing classroom training for these organizations not only increase cost besides also demands much more time and efforts from organization’s side.

Planning each session for each of the employee at premise and outside (partners- distributors, retailers), updating them on every single product related information, alongside providing them mid-way refreshments, evaluating on the specific defined criteria, are all costly affairs demanding high resource utilization, as well as compromise on the availability, at the point of time.

Considering the benefits an E-learning platform delivers for an organization with more than 200 employees, are much higher and traceable when compared to the classroom sessions, conducted for expansion of employee’s knowledge. For instance, think of scenario where you can measure your employee’s knowledge on each of the organizational related topic, provide them stages on which they can climb based on the sessions and modules imbibed, receive appraisal on the performance trajectory, and integrate each of their function (sales, operations, customer service) with the learning graph.

An E-learning System does take into note your biggest pitfall of employee’s retention capabilities. Remember the day when you had to attend full day training session, understand each of the point, and recall every information after 6 months or more. The fact to which we all would agree is, “A single session can’t put every thought in mind”, recalling and keeping content in mind for longer time does requires constant repetition, reinforcement and application by the person.

For Large organizations scattered nationwide or worldwide training becomes a mandatory and tough function. Bringing organization wide employees on single point, avoiding corporate governance issues, motivating employee on each of their efforts does call for huge concern when done offline. 

E-learning contributing towards several hidden and neglected issues such as,

·        Increasing efficiency and effectiveness of organization,

·        Generating maximum productivity,

·        Allowing employees to take training at their pace and

·        Generate results on specific defined requirements.

What best can an E-learning System reap for large organizations?

1. Cost- Efficiency

Rather going for conducting training sessions for each department and level, calling employees at specific location, arranging logistics in a large organization, it is most feasible to adapt an E-learning platform and release the specific session to employees in one go. If considered the over-all annual cost of conducting training sessions at premise, it is more feasible to adopt an LMS for the organization. You can push end number of courses at any time sitting on your chair, and learners can take those without even compromising on their productive hours. 

2. Reduces Complexity

Avoid planning sessions for each employee and then evaluating the effectiveness in hours and days, pushing reports to various departments and then redesigning accordingly. An intelligent learning platform equips you with everything, you can release your module in just few clicks, notify each of your employee over the latest scenario alongside receive detailed information on each employee’s performance as well as on your content. Organizations can easily pull out reports to the deepest level and can circulate it among the higher authorities.

3. Connecting with all your major External Workforce

Large organization does not work in isolation and only with the on-premise workforce, they ought to have other third-party integration and tie-ups in order to reach their end users globally. Therefore, it becomes their core responsibility to train these personnel on organization’s product and policies. For example; large organizations dealing with consumer durable goods have their dealers and distributors spread across geography, it therefore, becomes a core responsibility to train and inform them about any release being done at production level.

Learning Management Platform makes it easiest to push such information towards employees either through an email or a push notification, avoiding calling each of them and increasing cost on employer side. 

4. Design a growth path for Employees

Happy are employees whose organizations thinks about their growth and development. Knowing each employee’s performance along with the level of knowledge and judging them on statistics rather on the intuition, makes an enterprise compliant with the market. A learning platform does give you a clear view of how your employee have been in terms of their knowledge level, and hence, directs you to design their growth and development opportunities at premise. 

5. Talk in Terms of Data

The matter of fact on which each premise relies is the data. Being in corporate scenario we know the importance that data plays on floor. Having an option to Integrate your Learning platform with your ERP’s and tracking every data on each requirement, does give you freedom to play around the strategies. From the effectiveness of your training content towards the productivity of employees, on to the sales numbers data does speaks. Considering each of the thousand employees, tracking every single activity of their and keeping them motivated is what an LMS serves.

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6. Promoting Flexibility to Learner

Conducting a classroom session, arranging logistics, bearing heavy travel expenses, plus binding learners for almost a day or two, constantly giving lectures and evaluating them on each parameter, all makes training a time-consuming process. On the other side uploading a video/ document/ SCORM/ test paper on the platform and circulating it among the employees, allowing them to take each as per their convenience, not only saves productive hours, rather also evaluates and compares the performance automatically on organizational level.

MindScroll makes every effort to ease organizational training and promote efficiency from employee’s side. Allowing instant feedback, motivating people, certifying them, creating a sense of engagement and competitiveness at all level in organization. For a Learning Management System, it all depends on the way you play with it and utilizes each of its component. 

Activate your Free Trial instance anytime and evaluate the benefits received out of the platform.

LMS, Learning Management System, Cloud LMS, Sales Enablement, Sales Training, Product Training, Learning Technologies, Corporate Learning Strategy, Corporate LMS, Elearning, LMS Benefits, Retail LMS

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