Increasing Training ROI using Learning Platform - MindScroll Blog Cover Image

Increasing Training ROI using Learning Platform

Published 5 years ago by Saurabh Kathuria

Training is an important function for almost every organization today. It’s been ages, and majority of Organizational Training is still dependent on human-efforts. However, things started getting shifted with the use of computers at premises, people have been moving towards MS-Office, followed by Google/yahoo drives and landing at Machine learning based on Cloud servers.

If you are new to the realm of E-learning or thinking of making a switch to online training than its no late to understand about the ROI it could reap for you. We all understand the benefits training have been providing both in long as well as in short term. There is no deny on the impact of training in increasing organization’s productivity. From compliance awareness, to data generation, and then to record keeping, a Learning Platform would be helpful in every aspect of training function, catering to each growing need of learners.

Arranging the best training logistics, calling an industry expertise, conducting the session in a five-star property, don’t fulfils all your training goals, as the big purpose behind is to enhance learner’s knowledge, apply it on the job, make long-term client-relationship and many more.

Implementing ILT can never go out of trend or be replaced, however, measuring the return out of it becomes a cause of concern for these training managers, in-addition organizing refresher to fulfil the gap becomes a cause of high cost.

1.   Encourages cost savings 

a.      Reduces cost incurred in arranging and calling a Trainer, an LMS just wants you to be ready with your content and dump it in the system, providing accessibility to each defined user

b.     Eliminates the Logistics cost, of ILT sessions

c.      Terminate the need to develop own in-house software, MindScroll, a cloud-based learning platform, available to your employees 24/7, accessible from multiple devices, reduces the need for developing own system at premise

d.     Reduces the time away from job

e.     Improved training efficiencies: MindScroll gives you the freedom to personalize your content in accordance to your learners need

Increasing Training ROI using Learning Platform

2.   Save time

a.      Anytime accessibility, saving the productive time of employees, MindScroll with its mobile application facilitates in easing user experience and make the content available 24/7 with them

b.     Easy discussion and expertise solution, an integration with tools like Discussion forum, Web conferencing, allows users to get their doubts cleared with expertise advice in no moments pause

c.      Generating analytics: rather than designing question paper and checking each user’s assessment manually, MindScroll allows you to check and get customized reports on each user as well on courses immediately after the attempt

LMS, Learning Management System, Cloud LMS, Employee Development, Learning Technologies, Corporate Learning Strategy, Corporate LMS, LMS Benefits, Training Effectiveness

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